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Zoning + Demolition

SPCA Zoning Variance Request Policy:

  • SPCA represents the interests of all residents within it’s civic boundaries when hearing variance requests.

  • SPCA encourages all applicants for variances to present their plans to the membership meeting preceding the membership vote.

  • The membership will vote on new variance requests received at least 14 (calendar) days ahead of the next scheduled meeting during that meeting. Requests submitted within 14 days will be voted at the following month’s meeting.

  • Membership may vote to table the variance request for one month when there’s justification. Examples are changes stated about the submitted plans, unanswered questions or any issues that arise from the presentation.

  • SPCA may call a special meeting to vote variance requests when justified. An example is a month without a regularly schedule membership meeting.


Who can vote on variances and rezonings?

  • Current SPCA members

  • A person who is not currently a member but who has proof that they live in license is not proof of residency. Schumacher Place, such as a current utility bill, tax bill, bank statement, etc. A driver's license is not proof of residency. 

  • A person who owns commercial or rental property in Schumacher Place but who is not currently a member can become a member by paying dues ($50) and then vote.

  • A person who leases commercial space and runs a business in Schumacher Place but who is not currently a member can become a member by paying dues ($50) and then vote.



  • New variance requests, including a copy of the requesters application for variance, will be posted on the SPCA website. Additionally, the request will be added to the agenda of the next membership meeting and postcards will be sent to property owners within 125′ for the subject property. The SPCA board will strive to ensure notification of variance applications is posted on and the SPCA’s official Facebook page.


Please utilize the following Links from Attorney Pauley for Development Posted 2/20/2019



Upcoming Variance Requests

BZA24-169 473 Jackson Street.  Applicants/Property Owner - Ashleigh Baker/Planner - Dane Kirk)


SPCA - German Village and Schumacher Place Permit Parking documents


BZA24-100, 428 Jackson Street.  Applicants/Property Owner - Shonda Vink/ Paige Kaplansky -Agent)

 BZA23-154, 449 E. Livingston Ave.  Applicants /Property Owner's- Charles Corner Livingston LLC, Tom Brigdon)


CV23-077 / 473 E. Beck St (Josh Tomey Applicant - Lance Melnichenko Property Owner)


BZA23-093/665-667 Parsons Ave (Singh Main St LLC)


CV21-130; 462 E. Beck St. (Dave Perry)

459 E. Livingston Ave. (Shane’s Corner)

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